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ClamshellsClamshell Boxes

Box Clamshells
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Cavities are tapered from open to closed end. Cavity dimensions represent the smallest dimensions, which occur at the closed end.
Overall Outside Dimensions Cavity Dimensions Insert Card Dimensions
Part # Length "A" Width "B" Thickness Length "C" Width "D" Depth "E" Length "F" Width "H" Case Qty Buy Info
286TF 7.000 5.000 0.015 5.750 4.343 500
064406 2.750 1.875 0.015 1.687 1.500 0.750 1.687 1.500 300
675306 3.625 2.750 0.018 2.187 2.000 1.250 2.531 2.375 225
095714 3.475 1.562 0.015 2.312 1.187 0.687 2.500 1.187 300
051290 3.375 1.875 0.015 2.437 1.562 0.500 2.437 1.562 250
010978 3.806 1.938 0.015 2.798 1.600 0.750 2.619 1.384 550
397609 4.000 1.562 0.017 2.937 1.250 1.000 3.000 1.250 600
028532 4.813 2.688 0.017 3.375 2.000 1.250 3.813 2.375 200
291062 4.375 1.875 0.017 3.437 1.562 0.500 3.437 1.562 450
802TF 5.562 6.000 0.015 3.437 4.437 1.500 4.460 5.460 350
803TF (S2) 5.562 6.000 0.015 3.437 4.437 2.500 4.460 5.460 350
300TF (S2) 6.562 7.625 0.015 3.437 5.125 1.687 5.406 7.125 250
301TF (S2) 6.562 7.625 0.015 3.437 5.125 2.404 250
801TF 5.562 6.000 0.015 3.562 4.562 1.000 4.460 5.460 350
109TF 6.125 3.125 0.015 3.625 1.125 1.250 4.937 2.562 500
004764 4.813 2.688 0.017 3.688 2.313 0.750 3.813 2.375 250
514525 6.588 4.938 0.018 3.856 4.262 2.250 5.430 4.386 75
213TF 7.437 3.625 0.015 3.937 1.937 0.250 6.437 3.140 500
245426 5.063 1.562 0.024 4.000 1.187 1.125 4.062 1.187 350
92TF 6.000 2.312 0.015 4.125 1.000 1.000 4.900 1.812 1000
304TF 6.562 7.625 0.018 4.187 5.875 2.000 5.406 7.125 250
302TF (S2) 6.562 7.625 0.018 4.187 5.875 3.466 250
175TF 5.687 4.062 0.015 4.375 3.437 0.078 4.605 3.660 650
456222 5.500 3.687 0.020 4.437 3.312 0.750 4.437 3.312 150
303TF (S) 6.562 7.625 0.015 4.437 6.125 1.466 5.406 7.125 250
305TF 6.562 7.625 0.015 4.875 4.875 0.500 5.406 7.125 250
939128 6.562 3.688 0.020 5.125 2.938 1.625 5.563 3.125 50
322289 6.375 2.687 0.020 5.312 2.312 0.875 5.312 2.250 200
492684 6.562 4.938 0.018 5.432 4.437 1.250 5.430 4.386 80
205-RTF 7.437 3.625 0.015 5.437 2.062 1.125 6.437 3.140 500
261TF 8.000 3.500 0.015 5.500 1.875 1.250 6.937 2.968 500
002414 6.588 3.940 0.018 5.560 3.580 1.250 5.381 3.344 320
786802 7.500 2.750 0.020 6.125 2.000 1.250 6.313 2.250 150
409TF (S) 8.125 5.000 0.020 6.187 3.750 1.625 7.125 4.375 300
410TF (S) 8.125 5.000 0.020 6.187 3.750 2.250 300
099462 7.750 1.875 0.017 6.188 1.188 1.250 6.562 1.500 250
836263 7.750 1.875 0.015 6.188 1.313 0.750 6.562 1.500 250
015357 7.750 6.875 0.020 6.250 6.062 1.250 6.500 6.375 75
411TF 8.125 5.000 0.015 6.312 3.812 0.625 7.125 4.375 300
526577 8.000 4.000 0.170 6.600 3.400 1.000 6.938 3.688 200
403TF 8.125 5.000 0.020 6.700 4.075 1.300 7.125 4.375 300
404TF (S) 8.125 5.000 0.020 6.700 4.075 1.625 7.125 4.375 300
775TF 8.750 8.000 0.019 7.228 6.750 1.700 7.900 7.580 240
094465 9.375 6.000 0.020 7.750 5.000 1.750 8.187 5.437 50
587TF 10.875 6.812 0.015 8.183 5.938 0.500 9.750 6.250 250
505TF 10.750 5.125 0.015 8.491 3.690 0.373 9.625 4.587 400
578TF 10.875 6.8120 0.015 8.625 5.750 0.375 9.750 6.250 250
580TF 10.875 6.812 0.015 9.250 5.062 1.000 9.750 6.250 250
577TF 10.875 6.812 0.015 9.250 5.750 1.125 9.750 6.250 250
500TF 10.750 5.125 0.015 9.375 4.250 1.500 9.625 4.587 350
588TF 10.875 6.812 0.015 9.500 6.000 1.125 9.750 6.250 250
901TF (S) 11.062 9.375 0.025 9.500 8.250 2.000 9.937 8.687 150
902TF (S) 11.062 9.375 0.025 9.500 8.250 2.500 9.937 8.687 150
903TF 11.062 9.375 0.025 9.500 8.250 3.062 150
1102TF (S) 12.000 12.000 0.018 10.413 11.000 1.375 10.875 11.500 125
1101TF (S) 12.000 12.000 0.018 10.413 9.418 1.493 10.875 11.500 150
605TF 14.500 5.125 0.015 12.844 4.250 1.000 13.312 4.687 200
600TF 14.500 5.125 0.015 12.875 4.332 1.500 13.312 4.687 200
603TF 14.500 5.125 0.018 12.875 4.332 2.125 13.312 4.687 200
  • All dimensions are approximate. Manufacturing tolerances are available upon request.
  • (S) Designates the clamshell can stand on its base as well as hang from peg hooks.
  • (2) Indicates a 2-sided cavity
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