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PSE Archery

The Challenge

As a world leader in the manufacture of precision bows, PSE always included bow sights as part of a complete package.  However, many of its customers wanted to purchase the bow sights separately –  which required new packaging for retail shelves.

Since PSE offered many different styles of bow sights, our design team was tasked with developing a solution that could achieve the following:

  • Identify the style quickly and easily
  • Protect the sight from being damaged
  • Create one package for all styles


The Solution


The solution featured a single clear folding box with a custom thermoformed tray that could hold all styles of the bow sights and adequately protect the delicate and intricate parts.  The clear folding carton allowed the customer to identify the style so that the graphics and messaging on the package could be used for all models.  Regardless of the sight being packaged, the tray simply slides into the clear folding box and the package was complete.

Clearly the sights were set high on this project and the target was achieved!

Single Sourcing Saves Time and Money

With the ability to design, supply and manufacture all elements of the package, PSE did not have to coordinate multiple suppliers. Our design team ensured that the trays fit properly into the clear folding carton and that the sights were clearly displayed when being merchandised.

Single Sourcing Efficiency

VisiPak is a multi-processor operating extrusion, injection, dip molding and thermoforming equipment in multiple manufacturing facilities. This makes it extremely helpful for buyers who, like the story above, needed more than one form of packaging to get the job done. All production by one supplier means fewer logistics to manage.

Reduced Scrap

Another advantage of being a multi-processor is that all manufacturing processes result in some kind of scrap material. Such is the case in the extrusion of PETG tubing. But this scrap is not wasted. It can be used in the production of PETG thermoformed products. This 100% material utilization allows VisiPak to pass along savings to customers. In addition, the elimination of scrap material in landfills is a worldwide benefit!

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