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Round Clear Plastic Tubes

Round Clear Plastic Tubes

As the leading manufacturer of clear plastic packaging tubes in the world, VisiPak offers a comprehensive line of clear plastic tubes with caps or without closures. Tubes are available in clear PET or PETG (and sometimes propionate) in diameters ranging from 3/16″ to 5″. Although most often used in packaging, our clear tubes provide unique uses as well. Different purposes are served through varying wall thicknesses. Here’s a case study on one such unique application.

Packaging Tubes

Clear plastic packaging tubes are ideal for applications where displaying the product being sold is critical to the merchandising process. They are commonly used for  posters and other printed items.


Clear plastic containers are comprised of a versatile line of clear plastic tubes, caps and closures which can be mixed and matched to create a variety of different packages.  View our standard line of round containers.

Custom Solutions

The design team at VisiPak can also work with you to design a highly customized tubular package or container featuring custom tops and bottoms.  View case study.

Stock Clear Plastic Round Tubes

For your shopping convenience, we provide a link directly to our online store for products that are for sale online. Find our options for Square Plastic Tubes here.

Note, not every style cap or plug fits each tube. The “X” in the column indicates which is available for each tube size.

Open-End Tubes

Can’t find what you need? 800-949-1141.

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Available Cap & Plug Styles
Click a cap or plug image to learn more.
Round Poly Plugs Hex Poly Plugs Clear Poly Plugs Flat Top Poly Plugs Clear Caps Hanger Plugs Clear Hanger Plugs Clear Hanger Plugs Pull-Tab Plugs Tuff Pak Caps Hanger Plugs Anti-Roll Caps Poly Caps
Nominal Size I.D. O.D. Material Wall Thickness Wall Description Stock Length Custom Lengths Available Buy Info Round Poly Plugs Hex Poly Plugs Clear Poly Plugs Flat Top Poly Plugs Clear Caps Hanger Plugs Clear Hanger Plugs Hang Plugs Pull-Tab Plugs Tuff Pak Caps Hanger Caps Anti-Roll Caps Poly Caps
3/16 “ 0.194 0.234 PETG 0.020 HEAVY 48 “ X X
3/16 “ 0.210 0.234 PETG 0.012 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X
3/16 “ 0.210 0.234 Propionate 0.012 MEDIUM 18 “ X X
1/4 “ 0.263 0.293 Propionate 0.015 MEDIUM 18 “ X X
1/4 “ 0.279 0.323 PETG 0.022 HEAVY 48 “ X X X X
1/4 “ 0.299 0.323 PETG 0.012 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X X X
5/16 “ 0.321 0.345 Propionate 0.012 MEDIUM 18 “ X X
3/8 “ 0.250 0.375 PETG 0.063 Extra Heavy 72 “ X X
3/8 “ 0.313 0.375 PETG 0.031 Extra Heavy X X
3/8 “ 0.401 0.445 PETG 0.022 HEAVY 48 “ X X X X
3/8 “ 0.414 0.438 Propionate 0.012 MEDIUM 18 “ X X
3/8 “ 0.421 0.445 PETG 0.012 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X X X X X
1/2 “ 0.375 0.500 PETG 0.063 Extra Heavy 72 “ X X
1/2 “ 0.438 0.500 PETG 0.031 Extra Heavy X X
1/2 “ 0.475 0.499 Propionate 0.012 MEDIUM 18 “ X X X
1/2 “ 0.528 0.572 PETG 0.022 HEAVY 48 “ X X X X X
1/2 “ 0.548 0.572 PETG 0.012 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X X X X X X X
9/16 “ 0.537 0.563 Clear 0.013 MEDIUM 18 “ X X
5/8 “ 0.375 0.625 PETG 0.125 Extra Heavy X X
5/8 “ 0.500 0.625 PETG 0.063 Extra Heavy 72 “ X X
5/8 “ 0.563 0.625 PETG 0.031 Extra Heavy X X
5/8 “ 0.605 0.633 Propionate 0.014 MEDIUM 18 “ X X X
5/8 “ 0.698 0.742 PETG 0.022 HEAVY 48 “ X X X
5/8 “ 0.714 0.742 PETG 0.014 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X
11/16 “ 0.687 0.717 Propionate 0.015 MEDIUM 18 “ X X
3/4 “ 0.500 0.750 PETG 0.125 Extra Heavy X X
3/4 “ 0.625 0.750 PETG 0.063 Extra Heavy 72 “ X X
3/4 “ 0.688 0.750 PETG 0.031 Extra Heavy X X
3/4 “ 0.723 0.751 Propionate 0.014 MEDIUM 18 “ X X X X
3/4 “ 0.794 0.838 PETG 0.022 HEAVY 48 “ X X X X X
3/4 “ 0.808 0.838 PETG 0.015 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X X X X X X X
13/16 “ 0.812 0.842 Propionate 0.015 MEDIUM X X
7/8 “ 0.875 0.905 Propionate 0.015 MEDIUM 18 “ X X X
7/8 “ 0.932 0.976 PETG 0.022 HEAVY 48 “ X X X
7/8 “ 0.942 0.976 PETG 0.017 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X X X
97/100 “ 0.970 1.002 Propionate 0.016 MEDIUM X
1 “ 0.750 1.000 PETG 0.125 Extra Heavy X X
1 “ 0.875 1.000 PETG 0.063 Extra Heavy 72 “ X X
1 “ 0.938 1.000 PETG 0.031 Extra Heavy X X
1 “ 1.023 1.055 Propionate 0.016 MEDIUM 18 “ X X X X
1 “ 1.087 1.131 PETG 0.022 HEAVY 48 “ X X X X X
1 “ 1.097 1.131 PETG 0.017 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X X X X X X X
1-1/32 “ 1.032 1.062 Propionate 0.015 MEDIUM X
1-1/8 “ 1.150 1.186 Propionate 0.018 MEDIUM 18 “ X X
1-1/8 “ 1.203 1.247 PETG 0.022 HEAVY 48 “ X X
1-1/8 “ 1.211 1.247 PETG 0.018 MEDIUM 48 “ X X
1-3/16 “ 1.215 1.245 PETG 0.015 MEDIUM X X X
1-1/4 “ 1.000 1.250 PETG 0.125 Extra Heavy X X
1-1/4 “ 1.125 1.250 PETG 0.063 Extra Heavy 72 “ X X
1-1/4 “ 1.188 1.250 PETG 0.031 Extra Heavy X X
1-1/4 “ 1.288 1.324 Propionate 0.018 MEDIUM 18 “ X X X X
1-1/4 “ 1.355 1.399 PETG 0.022 HEAVY 48 “ X X X X X
1-1/4 “ 1.363 1.399 PETG 0.018 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X X X X X X X
1-3/8 “ 1.377 1.413 Propionate 0.018 MEDIUM 18 “ X X X X X
1-3/8 “ 1.430 1.474 PETG 0.022 HEAVY 48 “ X X
1-3/8 “ 1.438 1.474 PETG 0.018 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X
1-1/2 “ 1.250 1.500 PETG 0.125 Extra Heavy X X
1-1/2 “ 1.375 1.500 PETG 0.063 Extra Heavy 72 “ X X
1-1/2 “ 1.438 1.500 PETG 0.031 Extra Heavy X X
1-1/2 “ 1.532 1.570 Propionate 0.019 MEDIUM 18 “ X X X
1-1/2 “ 1.636 1.680 PETG 0.022 HEAVY 48 “ X X X X X
1-1/2 “ 1.644 1.680 PETG 0.018 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X X X X X X X
1-5/8 “ 1.610 1.648 Propionate 0.019 MEDIUM 18 “ X X
1-5/8 “ 1.694 1.750 PETG 0.028 HEAVY 48 “ X X
1-5/8 “ 1.710 1.750 PETG 0.020 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X
1-3/4 “ 1.500 1.750 PETG 0.125 Extra Heavy X X
1-3/4 “ 1.625 1.750 PETG 0.063 Extra Heavy 72 “ X X
1-3/4 “ 1.688 1.750 PETG 0.031 Extra Heavy X X
1-3/4 “ 1.781 1.821 Propionate 0.020 MEDIUM 18 “ X X X
1-3/4 “ 1.804 1.860 PETG 0.028 HEAVY 48 “ X X X X
1-3/4 “ 1.820 1.860 PETG 0.020 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X X X
1-7/8 “ 1.930 1.962 PETG 0.016 MEDIUM X X X
2 “ 1.750 2.000 PETG 0.125 Extra Heavy X X
2 “ 1.875 2.000 PETG 0.063 Extra Heavy 72 “ X X
2 “ 1.938 2.000 PETG 0.031 Extra Heavy X X
2 “ 2.027 2.069 Propionate 0.021 MEDIUM 18 “ X X X
2 “ 2.054 2.110 PETG 0.028 HEAVY 48 “ X X X X
2 “ 2.070 2.110 PETG 0.020 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X X X X X X
2-1/8 “ 2.183 2.225 Propionate 0.021 MEDIUM 18 “ X X
2-1/4 “ 2.000 2.250 PETG 0.125 Extra Heavy X X
2-1/4 “ 2.125 2.250 PETG 0.063 Extra Heavy 72 “ X X
2-1/4 “ 2.188 2.250 PETG 0.031 Extra Heavy X X
2-1/4 “ 2.304 2.360 PETG 0.028 HEAVY 48 “ X X X
2-1/4 “ 2.320 2.360 PETG 0.020 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X X
2-1/2 “ 2.250 2.500 PETG 0.125 Extra Heavy 72 “ X X
2-1/2 “ 2.375 2.500 PETG 0.063 Extra Heavy X X
2-1/2 “ 2.438 2.500 PETG 0.031 Extra Heavy X X
2-1/2 “ 2.462 2.506 Propionate 0.022 MEDIUM 18 “ X X X
2-1/2 “ 2.554 2.610 PETG 0.028 HEAVY 48 “ X X X X
2-1/2 “ 2.570 2.610 PETG 0.020 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X X X X X X
2-5/8 “ 2.651 2.697 Propionate 0.023 MEDIUM X X X
2-3/4 “ 2.500 2.750 PETG 0.125 Extra Heavy 72 “ X X
2-3/4 “ 2.625 2.750 PETG 0.063 Extra Heavy X X
2-3/4 “ 2.688 2.750 PETG 0.031 Extra Heavy X X
2-3/4 “ 2.776 2.826 Propionate 0.025 Medium X X X
2-3/4 “ 2.799 2.855 PETG 0.028 HEAVY 48 “ X X X
2-3/4 “ 2.815 2.855 PETG 0.020 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X X
3 “ 2.750 3.000 PETG 0.125 Extra Heavy 72 “ X X
3 “ 2.875 3.000 PETG 0.063 Extra Heavy X X
3 “ 2.938 3.000 PETG 0.031 Extra Heavy X X
3 “ 3.026 3.078 Propionate 0.026 MEDIUM 18 “ X X X X
3 “ 3.071 3.135 PETG 0.032 HEAVY 48 “ X X X X
3 “ 3.085 3.135 PETG 0.025 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X X X X X X
3-1/4 “ 3.245 3.297 Propionate 0.026 MEDIUM X X X
3-1/2 “ 3.540 3.592 Propionate 0.026 MEDIUM X X X
3-1/2 “ 3.556 3.620 PETG 0.032 HEAVY 48 “ X X X
3-1/2 “ 3.570 3.620 PETG 0.025 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X X
3-3/4 “ 3.740 3.792 Propionate 0.026 MEDIUM X X
4 “ 3.970 4.028 Propionate 0.029 MEDIUM 18 “ X X
4 “ 3.995 4.039 PETG 0.022 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X X X
4-1/4 “ 4.230 4.288 Propionate 0.029 MEDIUM X X X
4-1/2 “ 4.485 4.543 Propionate 0.029 MEDIUM X X
4-3/4 “ 4.715 4.767 Propionate 0.026 MEDIUM X X
5 “ 4.980 5.030 PETG 0.025 MEDIUM 48 “ X X X X
5 “ 5.005 5.065 Propionate 0.030 MEDIUM 18 “ X X

Can’t find what you need? 800-949-1141.

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Available Cap & Plug Styles
Click a cap or plug image to learn more.
Round Poly Plugs Hex Poly Plugs Clear Poly Plugs Flat Top Poly Plugs Clear Caps Hanger Plugs Clear Hanger Plugs Clear Hanger Plugs Pull-Tab Plugs Tuff Pak Caps Hanger Plugs Anti-Roll Caps Poly Caps
Nominal Size I.D. O.D. Material Wall Thickness Wall Description Stock Length Custom Lengths Available Buy Info Round Poly Plugs Hex Poly Plugs Clear Poly Plugs Flat Top Poly Plugs Clear Caps Hanger Plugs Clear Hanger Plugs Hang Plugs Pull-Tab Plugs Tuff Pak Caps Hanger Caps Anti-Roll Caps Poly Caps
  • I.D. refers to Inside Dimension and O.D. refers to Outside Dimension. All dimensions are approximate. Manufacturing tolerances are available upon request.

Materials & Specs

PETG and Propionate


VisiPak’s clear plastic tubes are primarily manufactured from PETG or propionate in  thin, medium and heavy wall thicknesses.  Click on the link to see how they compare.

For those looking for an alternative to polycarbonate tubes, please click on this link below.

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