Packaging Can Be Patriotic Too! Hooray for the Red, White and Blue...
Fourth of July brings thoughts and memories of fireworks, picnics and celebrations, but for some businesses it means lots of hard work to get ready for the holiday sales events.
Historical Documents Company is an American made story replete with fortuitous beginnings and ingenuity that combined to create a new business in 1926 and is still in operation today. The business helps to preserve history and the VisiPak clear plastic tubes protect the valuable documents, as well as display the contents.
Americana Souvenirs & Gifts
Americana Souvenirs & Gifts is a nationwide source for souvenir items that encompass a vast array of historical products found in theme parks and gift shops throughout the country. Many of the products are delicate and, as a wholesale distributor, protection of the products for shipping and store display is an absolute necessity. Clear plastic tubes are perfect as they stack well for shipping and look great stacking or hanging in the stores. Tubes come in lengths suitable for both letter and poster size items, clearly showing off the contents while protecting the product during handling.
Get the flags, fireworks, grills and all your red, white and blue ready for another fantastic Fourth of July! Make great holiday memories and make VisiPak your source for packaging all year long!