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Hickies & Doohickies

This Pair of Packages Display Hickies in Full Color

You don’t have to be sneaky to create a new product and take it to market, and this pair wasn’t about to tie things up. Two entrepreneurs devised a plan to test their product with a Kickstarter campaign and surpassed their goal by more than 600%! A perfect example of “if the shoe fits” and this business kicked off, no strings attached!

HICKIES responsive lacing system is an alternative to shoe laces. Bright and colorful, the HICKIES line is attractive, convenient and fun for consumers. A Google search for clear packaging resulted in finding VisiPak. Two packages were needed – one for Hickies, the other for DooHickies. While DooHickies are for kids, Hickies are for adults.

It’s a clear case that won’t tie you up – even when choosing colors!


A clear plastic folding box was the packaging plan for the Hickies line. Complete with printing and a hanger hole, the clear folding box will hang or stack on retails shelves. Either option allows the consumer to view the colorful contents. An insert card shows how to adjust for regular, tight or loose fit.

A clear hang tube package was selected for DooHickies. Like the box, the hang tube is perfect for peg hooks in retail stores, or they can stand in a table-top display. Complete with a clear PETG plug to seal the tube, this clear packaging not only creates a compact storage container capable of easy transport, but also displays the vivid colors inside. In addition, VisiPak applies a label which includes a diagram on how the new product works. DooHickies are available in Nordstrom stores across the nation.

Differentiating Packaging While Watching Costs

VisiPak is a multi-process manufacturer operating extrusion, injection, dip molding and thermoforming equipment in multiple facilities. The benefit to our customers is demonstrated in the above example. While the customer desired a clear folding box, other choices drew them to help them differentiate their own product lines. By selecting two different styles of packaging, and using just one supplier for both, they saved time and money on production and logistics management. VisiPak is the clear choice for your brands.

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