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Square Clear Plastic Tubes

Square Clear Plastic Tubes

VisiPak’s line of square plastic tubes with caps are an ideal solution for items that require a see-through package that won’t roll or spin on a shelf.

Packaging Tubes

All 5 sizes of our stocked square plastic tubes can be outfitted with our standard vinyl caps in a variety of colors as shown here.

Square Containers

Our standard square plastic packaging containers range in size from 3/8″ to 4″. All sizes are available with flat top poly plugs. View our standard line of square containers.

Custom Solutions

The design team at VisiPak can also work with you to design a highly customized square tube container like this one that can hang or stand on a shelf or display.

Stock Clear Plastic Square Tubes

Square Open-End Tubes

Can’t find what you need? 800-949-1141.


Available Cap Styles
Click a cap image to learn more.
Vinyl Tube Caps
Nominal Size I.D. O.D. Material Wall Thickness Wall Description Stock Length Custom Lengths Available Square Tuff Pak Caps
3/8 “ 0.401 NA PETG 0.022 HEAVY 4′ X X
3/8 “ 0.421 NA PETG 0.012 MEDIUM 4′ X X
1/2 “ 0.528 NA PETG 0.022 HEAVY 4′ X X
1/2 “ 0.548 NA PETG 0.012 MEDIUM 4′ X X
3/4 “ 0.794 NA PETG 0.022 HEAVY 4′ X X
3/4 “ 0.808 NA PETG 0.015 MEDIUM 4′ X X
1 “ 1.087 NA PETG 0.022 HEAVY 4′ X X
1 “ 1.097 NA PETG 0.017 MEDIUM 4′ X X
1-1/4 “ 1.355 NA PETG 0.022 HEAVY 4′ X X
1-1/4 “ 1.363 NA PETG 0.018 MEDIUM 4′ X X
  • I.D. refers to Inside Dimension and O.D. refers to Outside Dimension.
  • All dimensions are approximate. Manufacturing tolerances are available upon request.

Product Information

Made to Order Tubes

Need a different length than our stock tubing? We can extrude any of the diameters listed above to any length you specify.

  • Specify Length
  • Low Minimums
  • Cost Effective


Stock Tubes

  • Ready to Ship
  • All Sizes in Stock
  • Economical
  • 4 Foot Sections
  • Easy to Cut

Ready to Get Started?

Request Quote
and/or Samples

Contact sales for volume pricing and
access to free samples for testing and

Contact a
Packaging Specialist

For help finding the best package for
your application or creating one that
is customized to your specific needs.

Shop Our
Online Store

For immediate access to our stock
packaging tubes, clamshells,
containers, caps and more.