Food Packaging
While the typical dental equipment tray is designed to hold sterilized dental tools in a dentist’s office, our client needed a consumer-friendly packaging tray for its line of teeth whitening products.
The Challenge
The thermorformed tray needed to accomplish a number of goals. First, it needed to act as an organized storage container that easily identified each of the items in the kit. Second, it needed to hold each of the items securely in place during shipping. Finally, it needed to present the kits components in a professional manner consistent with the company’s brand.
The Solution
The thermoforming design team at Visipak worked with the customer to develop each cavity with a friction-fit design and engraved lettering that detailed the name of the component. Various plastic materials were evaluated and the team chose one for its ability to comply with the goals of the packaging tray.
The Result
The final product was a packaging tray that accomplished all of its goals. All of the components are clearly identified with engraved lettering including the clear thermoformed trays within the larger packaging tray. Plus, the company’s brand is displayed prominently in the first position in an elegant black tray that matches the customer’s brand.
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