Braza Bra Packaging

The principle of form following function was on full display with the development of this double-hinged clamshell package for Braza Bra.
- Hinged plastic insert to hold and store two covers
- Intricately designed graphic insert card to help merchandise product
- Clear clamshell to display product
The Design
Braza Bra’s unique package actually featured a standard clamshell along with a custom thermoformed insert.
The insert was designed to hold and store two silicone covers with a built-in disc to separate the two. It featured easy-to-use button seals so that it could be re-used over and over by the end consumer.

The Standard Solution with Custom Insert
VisiPak was able to minimize design and development costs by combining a standard clamshell with a custom insert.

Product Production
Low Cost Standard Clamshell
By using a standard plastic clamshell package, Braza Bra did not have to invest in any design time or tooling and could buy the clamshells in small quantities at a very competitive price.
Efficient Merchandising
Custom Die-Cut Insert Card
To help merchandise the covers, our design team worked with the printers to develop a custom, die cut insert card that provided plenty of room for product details while highlighting the actual product.

The Complete Package
Creating bra packaging that would function as a storage device, merchandising tool, and educational piece was no easy task, but our design team showed why they are The Clear Choice for Transparent Packaging.
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